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Streamer to be.

Play The Game

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Hey guys.

My previous name was burhan.k, I changed it to Play The Game.. Well skylined changed it for me.

I wanted my name to be the same on here you tube and on twitch.

All was good until i was not allowed to have this name on twitch so had to make do with .... playthegameagain.

My plans are to find another suitable name and have it across all three sites. Then eventually have my debut streaming session.

I will post the date of when i know i will be ready to start.

I will be playing small stakes but i think i have something to offer to our community. I could be wrong , I could be boring as hell but at least i know i have tried.

It is something ive wanted to do for a long time.

If anybody has some noob tips for me i would really appreciate it. I work during the day so my streams would be at around 7pm or shortly after.

I know all the streamers are on at different times and i would not stand a chance to get viewers whilst the big boys are on. So any time frame suggestions would be nice too.

Thanks for your time to read this thread.

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Noob tip 1: 

Never focus on numbers, your numbers will not be based on who is streaming and who is not, it will be based on who you are and your future community

Noob tip 2:

Get your setup right with two monitors, decent uploadspeed, OBS, webcam

Noob tip 3:

Set a budget and just have fun!

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10 hours ago, Play The Game said:

Can you please tell me other than my internet connection how to get better upload speed ?


There is no cure for uploadspeed other than changing your isp to a better connection. For optimal streaming you need around 8-12mb/s up, for casinostreaming maybe 4-8 upload.

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