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GameStop 5 years nearly finished

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Hi all , just a quick question to the community . In March next year my GameStop comes to the 5 year end . I did it due to playing roulette but didn’t realise it would cancel all my sports betting too. 

my question is if you was me would you keep all your original accounts and limit yourself or self exclude all casinos and keep just sports betting apps such as bet 365 and sky bet (sports only )

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10 hours ago, Smokingbeagle said:

Hi all , just a quick question to the community . In March next year my GameStop comes to the 5 year end . I did it due to playing roulette but didn’t realise it would cancel all my sports betting too. 

my question is if you was me would you keep all your original accounts and limit yourself or self exclude all casinos and keep just sports betting apps such as bet 365 and sky bet (sports only )

I would tend to agree with @crazyrightmeow that it's best not to restart any of them full stop.

Although the way i read your post (and excuse me if I'm incorrect dude) it sounded more like you possibly may have self-banned on an impulsive whim to stop the losses, and it's all been just an inconvenience rather than an actual lifesaver - but either way, being impulsive doesn't apply well to gambling and could easily be how you ended up with a roulette headache in the first place. And if GamStop was an actual lifesaver, then definitely don't restart.


I think it's admirable that you realised it needed to stop & you intelligently took steps to do so, even if it did inadvertently ban sports betting too. But be aware, since you've been gone nothings changed in casino land; it's still mostly poor returns, dead spins, jumping balls, low rtp & grinding frustration - you've honestly not been missing out on much at all, and the rabbit hole is also still just as easy to fall down.



Re. Sports betting, as i appreciate this can be totally different to casino play, then as long as you're making actual proper bets and not just just scatter-gun gambling, the only 1 option i would recommend is asking any close friends/family with accounts already to place bets for you - as long as you always PayPal them upfront first & they place it all for you on their device so you're not then able to start browsing the casino tabs afterwards, it can work fine.

If you don't have anyone like this, then i would say just accept your betting days are over - any other work around is probably just gonna lead you back to roulette and why bother wasting another load of time & money to find out what you already know. Plus, you're probably richer from not gambling these past years anyway! I'll wish you all the best dude!

Edited by dagreenblazer
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