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Spelled my bank name wrong


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hey everyone, I might have a problem with Playgrand Casino. My account is verified, and I made a withdraw last week. It says it can take up 2-5 work days. But then I notice that the name of my bank was not spelled correct, Norsea instead of Nordea. The IBAN, SWIFT and name and address are correct. But now the casino says there is nothing whey can do for me, probably the money is gone and I wil not get my washout. Is there anything I can do about it it? Talked to my bank and they say the money can never be gone.

Regards, Niels Smits.


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1 hour ago, Geordiemag1 said:

To be fair I put my date of birth in wrong by one day and they verified and paid me no problem. 

There is a major issue with a number of UK operators on this. Some of this will/has come to light recently.

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